DR401 - 155CDI
Perfectly fitted for training and travel, its additionnal horsepower (+20) allows it to display a better cruising speed and a much bigger useful load : you will easily board 3 passengers with you plus some extra luggages and full tanks.
And you will be charged with a lower consumption than with a 120A ! A-MA-ZING
DR401 - 155CDI
The opinion of Robin Aircraft

155CDI is the best option you have if you wish to use your plane for all types of missions : mountain, traveling, training and towing.
Unbeatable, equipped with a turbo offering unparalleled performances at high altitude (93% of its 155hp at 10.000ft vs. only 65% for a Lycoming 180hp).

It is difficult to find one, but since we have to think about it we would say that not having a JET-A1 fuel tank could represent a disadvantage (small but still, a disadvantage).
However, JET-A1 tanks are catching up on AVGAS tanks on french and european airfields.