Discover our range of aircraft

The DR400 has made itself known above all as a formidable companion for training. In school configuration, the DR401 is reassuring, easy to be taken in hand and easy to handle. A major asset for flying clubs.
All types of missions can be undertaken. The DR401 range being wide: the 120, the 135CDI, the 160. A wide range of engines and equipment at young pilot’s service and dedicated such training as day VFR, night VFR and even IFR or mountain training.

Initially, the DR400 was designed to be as light as possible. But over time, the needs have grown and got bigger. Aircraft usage has become different as well. The DR400 has first started to move upmarket : more powerful engines, extra-security equipment, comfort, avionics, …
And one fine day, DR400 became DR401.
This aircraft has now become a talented traveler (155CDI, 160, 180, and soon 200i) offering unseen performances : climb rate, cruising speed, fuel consumption. Each one displaying different advantages.
The upgrades given to the DR401’s output have made it possible to integrate state-of-the-art equipment such as the Garmin G500 and the GTN750 among others and to offer infinitely customizable aircrafts.
Robin Aircraft
Our story
Handcrafted aircrafts since 1957
The Robin Aircraft planes are designed, produced and assembled in Dijon-Darois, right in the middle of Burgundy.
In its burgundian kingdom the company has given life to many legendary planes among others : the HR100-250, the DR221, the R3000…
The company has eventually managed a real “Tour de force” in year 1972 by designing a unique plane : the DR400. It has ever since been a “hit” (more than 3.000 DR400 have been sold), has grown old and has been replaced in 2014 by a more performant and technologic plane : the DR401. A unique plane for amazing flying expériences.